Learning How To Learn

Are you trying to figure out how to advocate for yourself? Are you struggling with academics? Are you trying to map out your post-secondary path? This is the place for you!

As a student and a youth you must begin to advocate for yourself in order to be fully prepared for what is ahead of you. But how do you do that? These resources will help you become your own advocate. Being a Self Advocate

Academic Tips
As a student you struggle with getting things done. Time management is one of the skills you need to work on. These resources and tools will help you become a master student no matter what you are studying.

Post-Secondary Plans
There is more than one way to reach your goals. The trick is figuring our which path suits you best. There are many paths to success but finding the one that fits your son or daughter is the tough part. This section will provide tools to help with the planning and reviews of books you may want to read as you begin this journey.